Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Well the semester is drawing to a close now. This may be the last or second to last post. Anyways I hope you (Dear Reader) have enjoyed my random thoughts on immigration.

Now, onto something that really grinds my gears.

Ahem, and I quote from Republican and former running mate to Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan: Illegal immigration is easy and then people have anchor babies.
End Quote.

Okay, problem number one, people DIE all the time on the border. I already did some math on how the American border killed more people than the Berlin Wall. Two, regular law enforcement, Border Patrol and the National Guard (I could not find the article, but it was something about manning cameras) do a pretty decent job finding and deporting undocumented immigrants. It is not easy to cross the border.

On a related note, the 1990 film Journey of Hope is a good fictional film about undocumented immigrants. Specifically Turks trying to get into Switzerland. I did not find it online, but if you're interested it exists at least.

The anchor babies issue is something I remember being discussed a lot on the border, but I have not heard it brought up in the last few years until now. I do not see the term as offensive as some do, but it is very dehumanizing. Whenever I heard it discussed, it was never about bettering the mother or the father, as Ryan explicitly says, but about giving the child a chance at a better future the parents could not give the child in their home country. So the people who absolutely hate 'illegal immigrants' who I've talked to on the border, believe they at least do what they do for altruistic reasons.